First Appointment

When you visit Dentimed for the first time what information will you need?

When you ring to make an appointment you will be asked many questions. We will ask about you, your dental history, which cancer you have, the kind of treatment you are currently or going to be receiving and when you’re starting your treatment. This way we can prepare for your visit.

At Dentimed we see every appointment as urgent and we strive to see you within 24 hours of your call. We have special appointments set aside to enable this.

When you come in we will need a complete list of the medications/therapies you are taking. This includes chemotherapy drugs, radiation and hormone therapy, as well as blood count results (don’t worry if you don’t have this information as we will collect it from your treating oncologist).

We will also ask about your current oral care routine i.e. toothbrushes, floss, mouth rinses etc.

If you wear a night time sleep apnoea or grinding appliance, have a removable orthodontic appliance, or dentures ensure you bring them with you (whether they fit or not… we can help getting them fitting again).

The more we know the better we can help!

Do I Need A Referral?

No, a referral is not necessary to visit Dentimed.

Your oncology team may provide a referral (together with your oncology treatment plan) but the referral is optional.

Do you know someone who is suffering oral complications from their cancer treatment?

If your mother, brother, father, sister, aunt, friend (or anyone else you love) is suffering with oral complications and you need more information, call us… we’re here to help!

Get in Touch
Contact us today to arrange a chat! Make an enquiry or call  1800 33 68 46 to speak to one of our friendly team members.