I Am Currently Having Treatment
After you start your oncology treatment you may notice a range of different sensations and oral side effects. Some oral complications may require a professional to diagnose e.g. tooth decay and erosion.
During your cancer treatment continue to see your dental team as they recommend, and more frequently if your symptoms change or become less manageable.
Oral complications will vary for every person but they commonly include:
Mouth ulcers:
– Oral mucositis
Inflamed gums:
– Gingivitis or periodontal disease
– Viral, bacteria or fungal
– Emesis
Tooth sensitivity:
– Dentin hypersensitivity
Difficulty speaking:
Dry mouth:
– Xerostomia
Bleeding gums:
– Gingivitis or periodontal disease
Difficulty opening and closing your mouth:
– Trismus
Mouth pain:
– Stomatitis
Compromised healing
Oral thrush:
– Oral candidiasis
Erosion of tooth enamel:
– Dental erosion
Difficulty swallowing:
– Dysphagia
Tooth decay:
– Dental caries
Altered taste:
– Dysgeusia
Lip sores
An uncomfortable sore mouth can lead to impaired nutrition at a time when optimal nutrition is most critical.
Typically, these side effects pass after the completion of your treatment, however depending on your specific circumstances and treatment regime some conditions may continue.
We can provide support and advice for patients regarding their oral care during times of hospitalization.
In its most extreme cases oral complications of cancer treatment can compromise the progress of the cancer treatment itself. This can potentially force patients to discontinue or delay their therapy.
If you are undergoing cancer treatment and are experiencing ANY of the side effects listed above, you NEED to get help immediately!
Dentimed services during oncology treatment:
• Identify, prevent and manage oral complications
• Adjustment of dentures/oral appliances for ongoing comfort and use
• Oral health/dental hygiene instruction
• Ongoing oral health/dental hygiene instruction
• Supply of devices, medications and medicaments (where necessary)
• Initiate/support smoking cessation programs
Am I At Risk Of Cavities And Decay
What we offer
• Pre-therapy assessments and oral health plan
• Prevention and treatment of mouth and throat sores
• Management of dry mouth and reduced salivary flow
• Management of oral, head and neck pain
• Restorative and therapeutic dentistry
• Dental hygiene instruction (oral health instruction)
• Management of taste alteration and/or taste loss
• Smoking cessation
• Regular communication with your oncology team