
What we offer 

• Pre-therapy assessments and oral health plan
• Prevention and treatment of mouth and throat sores
• Management of dry mouth and reduced salivary flow
• Management of oral, head and neck pain
• Restorative and therapeutic dentistry
• Dental hygiene instruction (oral health instruction)
• Management of taste alteration and/or taste loss
• Smoking cessation
• Regular communication with your oncology team


• Comprehensive dental assessment
• Oral health plan for either achieving or maintaining an infection-free mouth
• Management of existing and potential sources of oral infection (dental decay and periodontal disease)
• Prevention of mouth sores (oral mucositis/ulcers)
• Oral hygiene instruction (oral health instruction)
• Initiate and support smoking cessation
• Written documentation of all findings and treatment plans
• Ongoing communication with your cancer care team
• Supply of devices, medications and medicaments (where necessary)


Assessment, treatment and management of oral complications including:
• Dry mouth (xerostomia)
• Mouth sores (mucositis, ulcers)
• Infections (viral, bacterial and fungal)
• Gum disease (periodontal disease)
• Dental decay (holes, cavities and demineralization)
• Sensitivity (to hot, cold and sweet)
• Difficulty talking, eating drinking (dysphasia)
• Taste alterations and/or loss (dysgeusia)
• Difficulty opening and closing jaw (trismus)
• Bleeding gums
• Trouble with the jaw bone and healing (osteoradionecrosis)
• Oral pain
• Oral hygiene instruction (oral health instruction)
• Adjustment of dentures/oral appliances for ongoing comfort and use
• Management of chronic/ongoing or permanent oral complications
• Initiate and support smoking cessation
• Written documentation of all findings and treatment plans
• Ongoing communication with your cancer care team
• Supply of devices, medications and medicaments (where necessary)


Management and treatment of ongoing oral complications:
• Dry mouth (xerostomia)
• Mouth sores (mucositis, ulcers)
• Infections (viral, bacterial and fungal)
• Gum disease (periodontal disease)
• Dental decay (holes, cavities and demineralization)
• Sensitivity (to hot, cold and sweet)
• Difficulty talking, eating drinking (dysphasia)
• Taste alterations and/or loss (dysgeusia)
• Difficulty opening and closing jaw (trismus)
• Bleeding gums
• Trouble with the jaw bone and healing (osteoradionecrosis)
• Oral pain
• Restorative and therapeutic dentistry for improved function and cosmetics
• Adjustment of dentures/oral appliances for ongoing comfort and use
• Oral hygiene instruction (oral health instruction)
• Initiate and support smoking cessation
• Written documentation of all treatment plans
• Ongoing communication with your cancer care team
• Supply of devices, medications and medicaments (where necessary)